Salesperson & Property Manager's Certificate
Upcoming Courses

For Salespeople, Property Manager’s and Buyers Agents.
The Real Estate Certificate is the entry level requirement in Queensland that allows Salespeople, Property Manager’s or Buyers Agents to become employed by a licenced Real Estate Agent. You cannot work independently with a Certificate, only those with a Full Real Estate Agent’s Licence can do this. There is no differentiation between the course for a Salesperson or a Property Manager, as the licencing requirements set out by The Office of Fair Trading Queensland are the same.
Becoming a Real Estate Salesperson or Property Manager in Queensland
To be able to work in Real Estate, you first need to successfully complete a course that prepares you for your Real Estate Career. The Real Estate Certificate is the entry level for most Salespeople and Property Managers and contains the following units of competency from the CPP41419 – Certificate IV in Real Estate Practice Training Package:-
CPPREP4001 Prepare for professional practice in real estate
CPPREP4002 Access and interpret ethical practice in real estate
CPPREP4003 Access and interpret legislation in real estate
CPPREP4004 Establish marketing and communication profiles in real estate
CPPREP4005 Prepare to work with real estate trust accounts
CPPREP4101 Appraise property for sale or lease
CPPREP4102 Market property
CPPREP4103 Establish vendor relationships
CPPREP4104 Establish buyer relationships
CPPREP4105 Sell property
CPPREP4121 Establish landlord relationships
CPPREP4123 Manage tenancy
Upon the successful completion of this course, you will be issued with a Statement of Attainment which will allow you to make application to The Office of Fair Trading, who issue all Real Estate Licences and Certificates in Queensland.
Why Choose Complete Property Training to complete your Real Estate Certificate?
Complete Property Training is one of the last remaining RTO’s (Registered Training Organisations) delivering fully Trainer guided, face to face classes in every major location in Queensland.
We also deliver a fully Trainer guided, live and interactive Zoom day or night course for those who prefer to complete their studies from their office or home.
Our highly qualified Trainers and Assessors guide you through your learning and assessment during classroom contact hours, and some assessment is completed outside of class hours. Students who require more time have the option of completing assessments in their own time after the contact days with full admin support.
Should you prefer to complete your real estate course at your own pace, we have a correspondence option that caters for exactly that.
How long does it take to complete my Real Estate Certificate Course?
In each location the face-to-face Course has 4 classroom contact days. Your learning and assessment material is sent to you prior to course commencement for you to read and absorb the content well before the class begins. Once in class the learning materials are brought to life and all assessment requirements are fully explained by your Trainer. The course is competency based and experienced students may be able to complete sooner than those students with little industry experience. We offer you 6 months to complete the course from commencement.
We do not deliver each individual unit of competency. We have clustered the units together and remove unnecessary duplicated criteria making the course more streamlined.
Our fully Trainer guided Zoom Day Course follows the same format and timing of the face-to-face classes, 9am-4pm daily.
The fully Trainer guided Zoom Night Courses are held over 7 nights, 6pm-9pm.